Purpose: the purpose of this research is to measure the quality of financial reporting using the qualitative features of accounting information.
Method: The current research was conducted to identify the priority of each of the qualitative features of accounting information from the perspective of users of financial reports in order to design a financial reporting quality index. In terms of method, the upcoming research is a descriptive survey type. Questionnaire tool was used to collect data. The combined reliability of the questionnaire has been tested through the combined reliability coefficient and its validity by comparing the mean square root of the extracted variance of each variable with the correlation of that variable with other variables. The results of using the analysis of the responses of 231 professional investors active in financial institutions of the capital market in 1402 and using the structural equation modeling method, partial least squares have been obtained.
Results: After analyzing the data, it was confirmed that there is a significant relationship between the qualitative characteristics of relevance (with a coefficient of 0.505), reliability (with a coefficient of 0.304), comparability (with a coefficient of 0.079) and timeliness (with a coefficient of 0.102) with the quality of financial reporting.
Conclusion: The findings of the research show that from the point of view of users of accounting information, relevance and reliability are the most important qualitative characteristics affecting the quality of financial reports of companies, and this capacity exists to provide some dimensions of information, such as forward-looking information, which is important from the users' point of view.
Contribution: operationalize the concepts contained in the conceptual framework of Iran's accounting standards and understand the importance of each qualitative characteristic. It helps in measuring the quality of financial reporting based on the prioritization system of users of financial reports.
Main Subjects