Document Type : Research Paper
Abstract:One of the criteria that may affect the timeliness of reporting the audited financial statements is the complexity of accounting information. With increasing complexity of economic units, auditors should take the necessary steps to carry out the necessary professional careers at all stages of the audit, as it is impossible to make a mistake in events. This paper examines the complexity of accounting information delayed presentation of audited financial statements and information asymmetry with an emphasis on the role of audit quality. In this study, the complexity of accounting information has been measured based on the developed model of Izadi et al. (1393). And also used to measure the auditor's specialty in the industry from the Palm Rose model (1986) based on the market approach. To test the research hypotheses, 83 firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during the 2010 to 2015 period were investigated through a combination of data regression. The findings of the research show that the complexity of accounting information does not have a significant effect on the timeframe for the preparation of financial statements by companies, but leads to an increase in the delay in the audit process time. On the other hand, the delay in providing audited financial statements will increase the information asymmetry. The auditor's expertise in the industry as a well-known standard of audit quality reduces the length of the audit report process. Also, the interactive effect of auditor's specialty and the complexity of accounting information has a negative relationship with the delay in the audit report process.