Document Type : Research Paper
Various factors affect the performance of banks. In this study, we try to investigate the relationship between corporate governance and affiliated companies and five management and financial areas with the performance of banks. This research is purposeful and descriptive-analytic in terms of the method. The data of this research are 6 years from 2008-2013. The statistical population consists of 12 banks and 72 affiliated and subordinate banks, information and data from The Tehran Stock Exchange System has been gathered. The research hypotheses were also tested using multivariate regression model. The results of the estimation of the research model indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between corporate governance and the performance of banks, and there is a positive and significant relationship between affiliated companies and banks performance in terms of performance variables. That is, if performance of banks is measured by financial ratios, there is a positive and meaningful relationship and if the performance of banks is measured by balance sheet items, then there is not a significant relationship between them and in the case of management and financial areas, if performance is measured by financial ratios other than productivity management and liquidity ratio Other variables have a significant relationship with performance. And if performance is measured with balance sheet items, then there are significant relationships between five management and financial areas. Therefore, with the difference in performance variables, the relationship between the performance and the variables of the five management and financial areas, except the GDP, has changed.